Find news about our participation in fairs and events here.

Quantum Key Distribution DEMO at REPMUS2024

The Quantum Key Distribution demo at REPMUS2024 was a success! 

The live demo, part of the DISCRETION project, was attended by a delegation of 40 NATO representatives and officials from member states.

The demo focused on showcasing the power of QKD technology for secure communications, with two key use cases:

  1. QKD for Secure Image Sharing: QKD-generated keys were used with Software-Defined Radios (SDRs) during a live mission to securely transmit an image between radios, demonstrating real-time secure data exchange.
  2. QKD-Enabled Encrypted Video Session: The QKD keys were also applied in a secure video session, where state-of-the-art encryption machines ensured that the video feed remained protected from any unauthorized access.

This successful demonstration underscores our commitment and of our DISCRETION partners to developing and implementing advanced technologies that enhance security and resilience in mission-critical environments. The collaboration with Marinha Portuguesa and NATO highlights the importance of secure communication in defense.

DISCRETION family in Pisa

And the DISCRETION family happen to have one more successful meeting with a very nice status of the project and more successful demos. The meeting was hosted by Nextworks S.r.l. in Pisa and we would like to thanks the organizers for the lovely time we had in the city! Thank you Pietro Giuseppe Giardina Pietro Piscione Giacomo Bernini and Nicola Ciulli ! See you all in Portugal in October for a very important milestone! #discretion #quantum #defence

10th Symposium of Applied Reconfigurable Computing

Today Catarina Bastos was present as a keynote speaker at the 10th Symposium of Applied Reconfigurable Computing at the University of Aveiro in order to share her knowledge of quantum technology and secure communications through the DISCRETION project.
In her speech Catarina reaffirmed the importance of using these reconfigured systems when developing prototypes like CV-QKD nodes and HW SECURE MODULES.

The European Conference Quantum Technologies for Defence

The European Conference Quantum Technologies for Defence: Current and future capabilities happens on March 13-14 at Warsaw, Poland, and Catarina Bastos was the keynote speaker talking about DISCRETION project on a panel related with the status and future capabilities of quantum technologies in defence.

The conference was organized by the European Commission – DG DEFIS, PPTF – Polish Technological Platform on Photonics, OpTecBB, ALPHA-RLH and Ukrainian Cluster Alliance with the aim to bring together companies of different sizes across the EU, research institutes and academia, governmental representatives as well as armed forces, to discuss important topics on secure communication and quantum technology.

QCI Days Vienna 2024

Catarina Bastos was an invited speaker in QCI Days Vienna 2024 where she presented DISCRETION project and how can this flagship project from European Defence can contribute for demonstrating quantum communications in military networks.  

This event hosted by AIT Austrian Institute of Technology aims to serve as a platform for experts to discuss the latest technologies and cutting-edge trends in this area, as well as connecting this community in an effort to shape the future of quantum technology in Europe.

#quantum #defence


In December the DISCRETION Consortium was in Porto in another presential meeting hosted by Adyta.

We have progress a lot in the project and we are already doing demonstrations of some building blocks of our SDN and of the SDRs communicating. Let’s keep the good work!

#discretion #sdn #quantum #defence

Critical Design Review Milestone Achieved

We have successfully wrapped up the Critical Design Review of DISCRETION in Vienna today!

A big thank you to AIT (Australian Institute of Technology GmbH) for hosting this meeting and organizing wonderful social events that brought the team together.

Quantum-link test on REPMUS23

The demonstration of the quantum-link CV-QKD system carried last week during the REPMUS23 and NATODYM23 was a successThe experiment was carried out together with our partner @Quantum Communication Group, testing the basis of the system being developed for #DISCRETION. 

REPMUS –  Robotic Experimentation and Prototyping using Maritime Uncrewed Systems- is an annual military exercise organized and hosted by the Portuguese Navy and NATO  at the Operational Experimentation Centre in Troia, with the participation of forces from foreign military forces, universities and tech companies. 

Thanks to all involved!


Last Thursday DISCRETION consortium had a face to face meeting to discuss the design of the system in Aveiro hosted by our colleague Rui Calé in Altice Labs. Thank you for your hospitality. It was great to meet you all!


The technology behind DISCRETION, the EDIDP Deimos-led project to develop Quantum Communication Networks for Defence, was demonstrated during #ARTEX23, the 1st edition of the ARmy Technological EXperimentation Exercise, organized by the Technological Modernisation and Experimentation Centre of Exército Português.

Francisco Pinto and Andoni Santos, together with Instituto de Telecomunicações and Instituto Superior Técnico, made a demonstration of a continuous variables quantum key distribution CVQKD base technology of DISCRETION and the Portuguese cipher machine. The project will provide state-of-the-art high-security encryption services to be applied in Defence scenarios for the first time. 

ARTEX 23 promoted synergies in Innovation for the areas of Security and Defence, with the participation of Industry, Academia and Defence, focused on the technological experimentation of solutions susceptible of #military application.

Thank you Exército Português for the invitation!

Quantum Matter International Conference

The 3rd edition of Quantum Matter International Conference – QUANTUMatter 2023 took place in Madrid, Spain, from 23rd to 25th May, with the purpose of bringing together the communities engaged in quantum information and quantum matter to foster the exchange of ideas and experiences in these areas.

Margarida Vieira and Francisco Pinto attended the conference in a Deimos stand, presenting a poster about the DISCRETION – Quantum Communication project – and Margarida presented in a slot of 10 minutes an overview of the DISCRETION.

DISCRETION Review Meeting

The first DISCRETION Review Meeting with EC was held in Brussels last week, to review the project developments over the last 15 months. 

The meeting was attended by Catarina Bastos and Francisco Pinto, together with the colleagues from the other partner institutions Ricardo Chaves (Instituto Superior Técnico); Armando Pinto (Instituto de Telecomunicações); Rafael Cantò (Telefónica); Sebastian Ramacher (AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH); Luis Maia (Adyta); Christophe Doin (EC); José Luis Revuelta (EC) and Fernando Ângelo (GNS).

Thanks to all for the efforts and dedication to DISCRETION.

Cyber Security Cooperation Conference

Today our colleague Catarina Bastos attended the Cyber Security Cooperation Conference – Securing Euro-Atlantic Cyberspace Landscape – presenting DISCRETION as the reference project for the Portuguese Defence, and now recognized also for European Defence.  We are very proud! Thanks to all the team for the commitment in the project!

Quantum Tech Day

A pleasure to have been invited for the Quantum Tech Day yesterday organised by Quantum Communications Group (Instituto de Telecomunicações – Aveiro) at Instituto de Telecomunicações.

Nuno Ávila represented Deimos Engenharia at the event, that also had the presence of Mario Campolargo, the Portuguese Secretary of State for Digitalisation and Administrative Modernisation. The objective of the Quantum Tech Day worshop was to discuss quantum technologies and the Portuguese quantum network.

Thank you for the invitation!

Industry Day

Today happens the Industry Day in Vila Nova de Gaia and we are present there with project DISCRETION.

This event is organized by idD Portugal Defence as the National Representative to NATO Industrial Advisory Group (NIAG) with the objective to present the national Defense Technological and Industrial Base (BTID) in order to promote the exchange of knowledge between the industries of the Allied countries and NATO Partners invited.

Our Deimos Engenharia team is represented by Andoni Santos and Francisco Pinto the event, where they are promoting the DISCRETION project and quantum communications in Portugal.


Glad to was in the launch of CEMTEx, the Technology Center of Experimentation and Modernization of the Portuguese Army, where he had the chance to present DISCRETION, together with Instituto Superior Técnico and Instituto de Telecomunicações (Quantum Communication Group).

Cyber and Disruptive Technologies

Today starts the International Symposium “Cyber and Disruptive Technologies: PESCO and Common Approach to EDF Projects”, happening in Lisbon on September 12, 13 and 14, 2022. The symposium will open the discussion on how disruptive technologies, in particular quantum, can help to improve cybersecurity and cyberdefence.

The conference, also supported by Deimos,  is co-organised by the Ministério da Defesa Nacional, through the General Directorate of National Defence Resources DGRDN and the National Security Office.

Deimos is participating today with Catarina Bastos presenting the DISCRETION project: DISRUPTIVE SECURE COMMUNICATIONS FOR EUROPEAN DEFENSE. Our CEO Ismael López will be making the closing remarks at the end of the day.